Buhler USD 313

406 W. 7th
Buhler, KS 67522

Buhler USD 313 from Educate Kansas on Vimeo.

Buhler USD 313 serves approximately 2,300 students in grades K-12 in five attendance centers. Three kindergarten through fifth grade elementary schools include Buhler Grade School, Plum Creek Elementary, and Union Valley Elementary.  All students in grades six through eight attend Prairie Hills Middle School, with Buhler High School housing grades nine through twelve.  The Burkholder Administrative Center is located in Buhler. The school district employs 352 people; 173 certified teachers and administrators and 179 classified employees, including clerical, food service, transporta ...

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District Jobs

1st Grade Teacher | Posted on January-14-2025 | Expires on March-24-2025
Head Girls Golf - high school | Posted on January-23-2025 | Expires on May-1-2025
Assistant Cheerleading Coach - high school | Posted on February-17-2025 | Expires on May-1-2025
Vocational Agriculture Teacher | Posted on March-26-2025 | Expires on April-17-2025
Elementary School Specialist - Virtual School | Posted on March-26-2025 | Expires on April-17-2025