7857432145 527 Russell Ave WaKeeney, KS 67672
WaKeeney, USD #208 is a 2A school district serving students from PreK-12. We are a rural community with a total district area of 706.7 square miles, and we are the sole district in Trego County. The district operates two attendance centers, Trego Grade School, which is elementary and middle school combined, and Trego Community High School, for grades 9-12. Each attendance center employs a full time principal. USD 208 is a member of the Mid-Continent League. We are minutes away from Cedar Bluff reservoir, we intersect I-70 and Highway 283 which is just 25 minutes from Hays, and half way between Kansas City and Denver. We are a progressive school district that is implementing Kansas MTSS and Alignment Systems. Please explore our website at
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