Cheylin USD 103
605 Bird Ave.
Bird City, KS 67731

Cheylin USD 103 in Bird City is a 1A school district with 150 students K-12 and is located in Cheyenne County. Our four day school week has been in place for many years. Our average class size is 12. The regular school day starts at 8:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm Monday - Thursday.  We have 153 student days and 160 teacher contract days.  The teacher base pay is $41,200 with a single policy Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Insurance Benefit for all full time employees.  Cheylin USD 103 offers academic study/tuition reimbursement towards an advanced degree program (Masters ...

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District Jobs

Elementary Grade Teacher! | Posted on March-18-2025 | Expires on May-1-2025