MS/HS Principal

Marais des Cygnes Valley USD 456 •

6-12 Principal - Marais des Cygnes Valley USD456

Marais des Cygnes Valley USD 456 is accepting applications for a 6-12 Principal at the Marais des Cygnes Valley Middle School/High School for the 2025-2026 school year. MdCV MS/HS is located in Melvern, KS.  Applicants should be fully licensed, energetic, and ready to lead a dedicated staff. The principal works on a 10 month contract (August-May).  

Professional qualifications should include the ability to create and maintain positive relationships, an effective learning climate, and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current educational research and technology.  The applicant must possess the ability to build trust and communication with staff, students, and key stakeholders.

All interested applicants can email information to Superintendent Brian Cordel, or the district Board Clerk, Angie Volkman,

Please include in your file, a Letter of Application, Current Resume with at least 3 persons who will serve as references, University Transcripts, and evidence of Kansas licensure or eligibility for Kansas licensure.  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Benefits include KPERS membership, single health insurance premium provided, Cafeteria 125 Plan options, personal and sick leave.  Salary based on years of education and experience.  More USD456 information can be found at

Please do not hesitate to contact us at (785) 549-3521with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your interest in investing in the children and community of Marais des Cygnes Valley.

Benefits Information

Benefits include KPERS membership, single health insurance premium provided, Cafeteria 125 Plan options, personal and sick leave. 

Salary Information

Salary based on years of education and experience.

Employer Information

USD 456 - Marais des Cygnes Valley school district is a 1A school located in NE Kansas, comprising of three communities: Melvern, Olivet, and Quenemo. Marais des Cygnes Valley is located approximately 40 miles South of Topeka, 20 miles West of Ottawa, 30 miles East of Emporia, and 20 miles North of Burlington. 

The district has two building locations: Marais des Cygnes Valley Elementary School (PreK - 5) located in Quenemo and Marais des Cygnes Valley Junior High/High School (6-12) located in Melvern. Each attendance center employs a full-time principal, with all students supported by a district social worker. Our strong curriculum covers all academic areas from at risk to college credit classes, overseen by a full time academic advisor. Technology implementation is supported by a full time technology director, fiber optic service and a 1:1 device to student ratio at each building in the district.

MdCV Elementary School was recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School in 2014 by the Federal Department of Education.  MdCV High School has been recognized multiple times as one of the "Best Kansas High Schools" by U.S. News and World Report. The elementary, junior high, and high school have received numerous standards of excellence awards, Governors Achievement Awards, and Kansans Can Star Awards.

As a member of the Lyon County League, the Junior High/High School provides high quality academic, athletic, and leadership experiences.

Special education services are provided by Three Lakes Cooperative District located in Lyndon.

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Job Contact Address

105 SW Main
Melvern, KS 66510

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