Secondary Social Studies Teacher

Cunningham USD 332 •

Cunningham USD 332 invites you to apply to teach in our brand new JH/HS school.  We are looking for a candidate who will connect with students and community by facilitating civic engagement, will grow their professional skill, and will share their ideas and suggestions for how to better serve the needs of our students and community.

There is ample opportunity in our district for candidates with multiple endorsements or backgrounds to utilize those skills and experience to meet our students needs.  

There are no specific coaching positions tied to this position but there are always opportunities to coach or sponsor activities and clubs of interest to you.

Should our dynamic school be of interest, please submit the following to Dr. Kelly Arnberger,  

Letter of Interest

Current Resume

Current License

A copy of your transcripts

Three Letters of reference with current contact information who may be contacted to speak on your behalf.  


Benefits Information

Board provides up to $800 per month to be applied to the district health, vision, and dental benefits.  Currently, the benefit covers a single health, vision, and dental benefit.

Salary Information

Starting salary - $42,750

Employer Information


Cunningham USD 332 believes school and community thrive together! Cunningham USD 332 is a 1A school district located 60 minutes West of Wichita.  We enjoy the advantages of a small town and as well as the opportunities available to us being in close proximity to Wichita.

USD 332 currently educates approximately 230 students in our recently updated elementary school and our brand new high school.  See our legacy video to get a glimpse of our history and vision for the future.  We offer a three and four year old preschool program, all day kindergarten, special education services, and a wide variety of academic and athletic courses/activities.  Cunningham hosts a community daycare for young families.

Cunningham USD 332 is the right place for your professional career. The District offers licensed staff::

Competitive Salary

Additional Compensation for Supplemental Duties Added to Teaching Assignments

Tax-deferred Annuity Program (optional)

Direct Payroll Deposit

Comprehensive Insurance Program

Various Leave options (per negotiated agreement)

Sick Leave Bank Option (per negotiated agreement)

In addition, Cunningham teachers are encouraged to grow professionally through a variety of professional learning activities and through a salary step program that provides compensation for additional college credits. Teachers also enjoy state-of-the-art facilities, small class sizes, strong parental involvement, and a BOE that advocates for students and professional growth.


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Job Contact Address

104 W. 4th
Cunningham, KS 67035

Job Start Date


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