Business/Computer Teacher (Junior High/High School)

Pawnee Heights USD 496 •

USD 496 is seeking a business/computer teacher to teach the following junior high and high school courses: Computer Applications, Introductory to Business, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Finance, and Publication Production.

Benefits Information

USD 496 offers a group health insurance plan through BC/BS of Kansas, dental insurance is available.  Other benefits include KPERS retirement plan, employer paid life insurance, paid sick and personal leave.

Salary Information

Base salary $43,800 (2024-2025 school year).

Employer Information

Pawnee Heights Schools, a consolidation of the Burdett and Rozel communities, is a  K-12 school located at Rozel but also includes students from Hanston, Larned, and the surrounding area.  USD 496 is proud of it`s reputation for excellence in education and has high expectations for all students.   Pawnee Heights offers a wide variety of classes with small class sizes.  We also offer many extra curricular activities for students in grades 6-12.  Pawnee Heights Elementary received the Governor`s Achievement Award in 2007, 2008, 2009, and the high school received the award in 2011 and 2013. Rozel, located in Pawnee Co. is approximately an hour`s drive from Dodge City, Great Bend, or Hays.

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P.O. Box 98
Rozel, KS 67574

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