High School Industrial Arts Teacher

Lyons USD 405 • www.usd405.com

Job Title:                     Industrial Technology Instructor                         


Purpose:                      Teach students to the standards set by the department and by policy of the Board of Education; serve as a role model for students; teach in both the cognitive and affective domain; perform assigned tasks.


Responsible to:           Building Principal          






1.         Hold current KSDE certificate.


2.         Certified in the area of which required to teach.


3.         Knowledge of current trends in the field.


4.         Ability to implement new techniques in the field.


5.         Experience of on the job training.


Essential Functions:


Physical Requirements/Environmental Conditions:


General responsibilities:


1.         Complete and be on time with all reports, etc. asked for by the administration; keep an accurate record of attendance, grades, and inventory.


2.         Be willing to assume responsibility assigned by supervisors and establish goals and objectives for each class and implement them.


3.         Provide career information for students.


4.         Provide supplementary learning opportunities for students through speakers and field trips.


5.         Able to maintain discipline.


6.         Know the subject area assigned to teach and the ability to teach students.


7.         Supervise students in non classroom setting.


8.         Close relation with students, sharing ideas and concerns through exchange of communication.


9.         Be cooperative and display mutual respect with all staff members.


10.        Communicate ideas and recommendations with building principal.


11.        Keep parents and community informed of activities within the classroom.


12.        Willingness and flexibility to adopt new teaching strategies into their classroom.


13.        Prepare students for local, state, and national summative assessments.


Term of Employment:              As per negotiated teacher agreement


Payment Rate:                          According to Certified Salary Schedule


Evaluation:  Performance effectiveness will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board of Education Policy of Certified Personnel.


Date of Board of Education Approval:  08/09/04


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800 S. Workman
Lyons, KS 67554

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