Education Consultant-SWPlains Regional Service Center

Southwest Plains Regional Service Center 626 •

Job Description

 Southwest Plains Regional Service Center, located in Sublette, Kansas, is seeking an education consultant beginning 7-1-2025.  The goal of this position is to improve student learning by providing research-based curricular and instructional support to teachers and administrators.  The contract length of this position is between 50 days up to 200 days per year.  

General Responsibilities

The Education Consultant will carry primary responsibility for consultation in curricular and instructional support for teachers and staff in member districts and partner organizations.  The Consultant is expected to develop programs for both large and small group presentations in technology integration, curricula development, instruction, assessment, and other areas of instructional best practices.  The Consultants spend a considerable amount of time traveling to schools and partner organizations, primarily in southwest Kansas, but all across the state on a limited basis.  

Minimum Qualifications

  1. Bachelor's Degree in Education is required. 
          A Master`s Degree in Education is preferred.
  2. Minimum of (3) years of successful teaching experience.
  3. Working knowledge in some or all of the  following:  
         Instructional strategies, curriculum alignment,
         technology integration, English Language
         Learners, assessment, and other education
  4. Active Kansas teaching license.
  5. Understanding of state and federal
          accreditation and accountability models.
  6. Understanding of effective instructional

Skills and Abilities

  1. Experience with effective instructional
  2. Works independently.
  3. Willingness to travel.
  4. Highly organized.
  5. Effective communication skills.
  6. Effective technology use skills.

Duties and Responsibilities  

  1. Support the mission of the Southwest Plains
          Regional Service Center.
  2. Engage in personal and professional growth
  3. Comply with all state and federal laws.
  4. Exhibit knowledge and understanding of
         current curricular standards.
  5. Provide instructional coaching and mentoring
          in areas that could include technology
          integration, student services, literacy, curricula
          development, instruction, assessment,
          language acquisition, and early childhood          
  6. Provide professional learning opportunities (on
          site, at the SWPRSC conference center, and via
          distance communication platforms) for school

Benefits Information

This is a KPERS eligible position.  As an optional benefit, employees can participate in a 457/403B retirement program with matching funds provided by the company.  


Salary Information

Salary will be determined based upon the length of term experience, and level of degree. This is a KPERS qualified position.


Employer Information

SWPRSC is about helping school districts with professional learning through innovative solutions.  This phrase is more than a motto or mission statement—it is the very essence of the organization and those who serve in the organization.  Every decision—hiring, planning for training, speaking to school districts, or putting vision into action—is focused on students and meeting their needs.


Dedicated to improving the education and lives of students, SWPRSC was founded in 1990 with 3 employees for the purpose of spreading the positive messages of education through quality services and training for school districts.  To date, the organization has grown to employ 48 outstanding individuals committed to students and the school districts that serve them.


SWPRSC believes in allowing school districts the flexibility of individualizing their selected services.  Whether a district needs a consortium, to-the-door delivery, small group workshop, large group workshop, personalized assistance for particular individuals, or a combination, district and building leaders can mix and match appropriate services to fit their  needs.


Consultants at SWPRSC serve as Kansas State Department of Education liaisons and bring back to school districts the up-to-date information that will affect school business and education.  In addition, our consultants continue gaining expertise in researched based methods of instruction, as well as, attaining national certifications as trainers for leaders in education.  SWPRSC is Professional Learning... Innovative Solutions.

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Job Contact Address

810 W. Lark Avenue
Sublette, KS 67877

Job Start Date


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