High School English Teacher

Frontenac USD 249 • www.frontenac249.org

Frontenac USD #249 is looking for a High School English teacher.  

To apply; please send Certified application (located on school website), resume, letter of interest, current teaching license, transcript, list of references, and reference letters. 

Send by mail (208 S. Cayuga, Frontenac, KS 66763) or email (kzafuta@frontenac249.org).

Benefits Information

Health Ins., Life Ins., Kansas Retirement System, Personal/Sick Leave and Section 125 Cafeteria Plan

Salary Information

Base Salary Starts at $46,400

Employer Information

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Employer Description:

Frontenac USD 249 is located in southeast Kansas adjacent to Pittsburg in Crawford County approximately 3,100 live in Frontenac.  Frontenac was founded as a mining community in 1886.

All three of the District`s schools are located on the main campus a block south of the downtown area.  In August of 2024 Frank Layden Elementary School enrolled 489 students in grades K-5.  There were 218 students in grades 6-8 at Frontenac Junior High School and Frontenac High School is a 3A school that had 294 students in grades 9-12.  All schools are fully accredited by the Kansas State Department of Education.  Currently 74 faculty and 35 staff serve 1,002 students from pre-school to 12th grade.

The school system receives strong support from the community with parents and patrons working together to provide excellent learning opportunities for our students.  Students are afforded many opportunities for success when they graduate and move on to successful careers.

USD 249 is committed to provide a strong diverse curriculum to our students; including the addition of college level courses, career ready curriculum and supporting our teachers in the pursuit of their own professional development.  The district is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that ensures engaged learning, effective teaching, and trusting relationships so that all members of the school community reach their highest level of academic achievement.

Kindergarten through 8th grade learning includes 1 to 1 student iPads and 9th-12th 1 to 1 laptops. Grades K through 5 utilize 1 to 1 iPads on mobile carts.  The schools and the district are committed to providing students and staff with the technology to succeed in ever-changing world. 

Our teachers enjoy many benefits including an attractive salary schedule, a number of fringe benefits, generous sick leave (including a sick leave pool), small class sizes, a stipend for educational growth, and an excellent professional development program.

The District’s Accomplishments    

·      FEMA Shelters/Classrooms.  In March 2020, the district began construction of ten FEMA rated classrooms (four elementary and six high school).  The total cost to build these classrooms is $4.5 million.  The project was funded with a $1,860,000 FEMA grant and the rest funded through saving of capital outlay funds over three fiscal years.  The classrooms were completed in the spring of 2021.  This project was accomplished without raising taxes.

·      In 2022 the district paid off the bonds from the 2005 mill levy issued to build the high school addition.

·      Student Achievement.  Frontenac students consistently score above state averages in English Language Arts (6 of 7), Mathematics (5 of 7), and Science (3 of 3) on state assessment exams.  District students have scored at or better than state averages on 14 of 17 subject/grade level exams.  Graduation and attendance rates are consistently higher than the state average and competitive with other SE Kansas schools.  High school students taking the ACT test score better than the state average in all areas.

·      Technology.  In 2015, the district implemented a one-to-one technology initiative where students K through 8 have their own iPad and students 9 through 12 have their own laptop.  Student grades sixth through seniors have the opportunity to take their devices home as long as they pay the fifty-dollar technology fee.

·      The Frontenac Education Foundation.  The Foundation, which was established in 1993, has raised nearly $3,000,000 dollars for scholarships, character education and school programs. ALL students that graduate from Frontenac High School will receive a scholarship of $200 per semester for up to 4 years following their high school graduation, if they choose to continue on to obtain a post-secondary education.   

·      Concurrent Credit Courses.  Each of the last two years the district has increased the number of opportunities for juniors and seniors to take concurrent credit courses.

·      Facilities.  In 2023 the district completed a project to install turf on the football field, softball field, infield of baseball field, and both playgrounds with the help of community donations and district finances.

·      The community has provided for a superior school facility complex with all K-12 students on a single campus.  Two-thirds of district students are housed in buildings that are less than 20 years old.  The most recent bond issue (2005) passed by a 70% majority.

·      Recreation Center.  In August 2010, the district and the Frontenac Recreation Commission completed a $459,000 renovation project to provide a combination community recreation center, weight room, and wrestling facility for Frontenac patrons and students.

·      Kitchen Project.  In August of 2011, the district completed a $315,000 project to renovate and double the size of the original kitchen facility.  Built in the early 1960’s, when the school population was less than half the current count, the new kitchen provides more functional space for the school’s food service program.

·      Enrollment.  The district enrollment has seen small gains the last few years.  Approximately 44% of Frontenac students live in other school districts but choose to attend Frontenac because of the quality of the school program and the personal attention of a smaller school environment.

We encourage you to visit our web site at www.frontenac249.org for further information about our school district.  We also welcome you to call our district office at 620-231-7551.

                                            USD #249 District Goals

                                         USD #249 is committed to:

1)    Provide a strong diverse curriculum for our students.

       a)    By addition of college level courses and career ready curriculum.

       b)    By implementing strategies to achieve the highest standards on district, state                    and standardized assessments.

2)    The district will operate with a balanced budget through sound financial practices.

       a)    By developing and maintaining budget, facility, transportation, and technology                   plans.

3)    Hire and retain quality teachers and administrators, not accept anything less.

       a)    By implementing a balanced approach utilizing technology and traditional                           teaching methods to prepare students for an ever-changing world.

      b)    By supporting our teachers in their pursuit of professional learning by                                  developing and maintaining a professional development plan.

4)    The district will support the social and emotional health of students and staff in the          areas of academics, activities, and athletics.

       a)    By providing time and resources for civic engagement.

       b)    By providing effective family engagement practices through activities and                            resources.

       c)    By providing communication on finding key information in order to help their                    children become college and career ready.

       d)    By providing facilities, staff, and other resources necessary to maintain high                        achieving extra-curricular activities.

BOE Approved 3-4-2024

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208 S Cayuga
Frontenac, KS 66763

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