Elementary Counselor - RMES (25-26)

Andover USD 385 • www.usd385.org

Applications must be submitted via the district`s application portal as administrators do not review any applications in the Educate Kansas portal. If you are interested in this position, please apply here.


Purpose: To help students overcome problems that impede learning and to assist them in making educational, occupational, and life plans that hold promise for their personal fulfillment as mature and responsible men and women.

Qualifications: Masters degree with appropriate Kansas licensure.

Supervisor: Building Principal

Performance Responsibilities:

  1. Aids students in course and subject selection.
  2. Obtains and disseminates occupational information to students and to classes studying occupations.
  3. Assists students in evaluating their aptitudes and abilities through the interpretation of individual standardized test scores and other pertinent data, and works with students in evolving education and occupation plans in terms of such evaluation.
  4. Works to discover and develop special abilities of students.
  5. Works to address/resolve students educational handicaps.
  6. Registers students new to the school and orients them to school procedures and the schools varied opportunities for learning.
  7. Works to prevent students from dropping out of school.
  8. Helps students evaluate career interests and choices.
  9. Remains readily available to students so as to provide counseling that will lead each student to increased personal growth, maturity, and understanding of self and others.
  10. Works with students on an individual basis in the solution of personal problems related to such problems as home and family relations, health, and emotional adjustment.
  11. Coordinates guidance field trips to schools, colleges, and industry for interested students.
  12. Guides students in their participation in school and community activities.
  13. Maintains student records and protects their confidentiality.
  14. Supervises the preparation and processing of college, scholarship, and employment applications.
  15. Makes recommendations to colleges for admissions and scholarships.
  16. Provides student information to colleges and potential employers according to provisions of the Boards policy on student records.
  17. Confers with parents whenever necessary.
  18. Works with teachers and other staff members to familiarize them with the general range of services offered through the districts K-12 guidance program, and to improve the educational prospects of individual students being counseled.
  19. Provides input to administrators and faculty on matters dealing with overall student performance.
  20. Takes an active role in interpreting the schools objectives to students, parents, and the community at large.
  21. Organizes and facilitates implementation of school to career programs.
  22. Conduct character education classes that help students become better decision makers if needed.
  23. Assists in arrangements for tutors and summer school work.
  24. Demonstrates effective human relations and communication skills.
  25. Complies with good safety practices.
  26. Complies with all district rules, regulations, and policies.
  27. Other duties as assigned.

Benefits Information

Per benefits guide.

Salary Information

Per negotiated agreement. Experience credit limited to 8 years with a bachelor`s degree or 12 years with a master`s degree.

Employer Information

The Andover Public Schools spans 47 square miles in Butler and Sedgwick counties, covering both the City of Andover and an eastern portion of Wichita. Approximately 5,800 students attend one virtual, six elementary, two middle and two high schools in Andover.

Andover Schools take pride in their academic excellence and progress to exceed local, state and national goals. Our tradition of excellence is evident in our National Merit Finalists and Semi-Finalists, continually high ACT scores, state championships in athletics and activities and regional and national recognitions awarded to programs and staff. Andover is a progressive district focused on helping students succeed.

Andover Public Schools holds high expectations for students and staff. Our success is evident in the many awards and recognitions staff receives. Andover educators have won recognitions such as Kansas Teacher of the Year, Kansas Teacher of the Year finalists and semi-finalists, Kansas Master Teacher, Kansas History Teacher of the Year and many more.

Andover voters approved two bond issue questions in May 2017 that will fund over $188 million worth of school and athletic projects. The bond issue included replacing two schools (high & elementary), adding storm shelters and secure entrances, a district tennis complex, upgraded athletic facilities, a middle- and high-school orchestra program, an expanded preschool program and other necessary facility improvements.

The Andover Public School district offers an employee:

  • Competitive Salary
  • Additional Compensation for Duties Added to Certified Assignments
  • Tax Deferred Annuity Program
  • Direct Payroll Deposit
  • Comprehensive Insurance Program (employee health insurance fully paid)
  • Personal and Professional Leave
  • Sick Leave Bank Options
  • Longevity Pay for Years of Service

In addition, Andover staff members are encouraged to grow through a variety of in-service programs and through a salary step program that provides compensation for additional college credits.

We are proud of our small class size, strong parental involvement, a Board of Education that advocates professional growth and assistance from the Andover Advantage Foundation (a non-profit educational support organization).

Interested candidates should apply online at https://www.applitrack.com/andover/onlineapp/

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Job Contact Address

1432 N. Andover Rd.
Andover, KS 67002

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