Wheatland USD 292 • thunderhawks.net

USD 292 Wheatland is currently looking to fill our vacant HS Art position for the 2025-26 school year.  Interested individuals are encouraged to send their resume, cover letter, and copy of teaching certificate to Bryant Briggs, Superintendent, at bbriggs@thunderhawks.org .

Benefits Information

USD 292 BOE offers $220/month board paid fringe or $300/month to the most economical plan as a part of our group policy. 

Salary Information

Individuals will be placed on the negotiated agreement salary schedule.  Currently base is $41,700.

Employer Information

USD #292 Wheatland is located in Grainfield along I-70 in Northwest Kansas and serves the communities of Grainfield, Gove and Park.

Wheatland Elementary School is located in Grainfield and serves children ages PreK - 4th grade. Wheatland High School sits along I-70 on Hwy 23 and serves 9th - 12th grade students. USD 292 is in a partnership with Grinnell USD 291 through an academic cooperative agreement.  As part of this agreement, all students in grades 5-8 attend Grinnell Middle School and all student grades 9-12 attend Wheatland High School. 


Current enrollment is 104 students with 17 faculty members and 10 classified employees. 




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Job Contact Address

2920 K-23
Grainfield, KS 67737

Job Start Date


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