Payroll Clerk at McKinley Administrative Center

Newton USD 373 •


  1. Knowledge and experience with computerized payroll systems and spreadsheet software
  2. Knowledge and experience in processing payroll and preparing reports for proper agencies
  3. Knowledge of federal wage and hour regulations
  4. Knowledge of unemployment and workers compensation regulations
  5. Knowledge of employee benefit plans under IRC125
  6. Demonstrated aptitude or competence for all assigned responsibilities
  7. Such alternative to the above qualifications as the board of education may find appropriate and acceptable

REPORTS TO:  Director of Business and Human Resources

JOB GOAL:  To assure the smooth and efficient operation of the payroll office and contribute to staff morale by the prompt and accurate handling of all payroll matters.


  1. Review time sheets to ensure accurate information.
  2. Review and submit payment for payroll specific vendors. 
  3. Assist building secretaries with time and attendance questions.
  4. Assist in maintaining employee records.
  5. Assists with maintaining a systematic set of all payroll transactions of the district.
  6. Assists with all regular monthly payroll processes as needed.
  7. Assists with activities associated with the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System.
  8. Performs other duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor.

*Responsibilities will be shared with others in the payroll office and human resources department.

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT:  Twelve month position. Salary to be established by the board of education.

EVALUATION:  Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the board's policy on evaluation of support services personnel.


  • Ability to use a computer
  • Strong public relations skills
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Knowledgeable in accounting


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308 E 1st Street
Newton, KS 67114

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