Elementary TeacherSt. Joseph School - Oakley • www.sjoakley.org St. Joseph School is seeking qualified applicants for an elementary position located in Oakley. Benefits Information Health insurance is available. Salary Information Based on education and experience. Employer Information St. Joseph Catholic School in Oakley is a small private school in western Kansas. We are located 20 miles east of Colby and 90 miles west of Hays. Our average class size is 8 students. We offer a competitive salary and benefits.
We at St. Joseph School believe we have a responsibility to the young people who attend our school. We will provide a strong academic program with emphasis on Catholic values. The students who attend our school are the most important people associated with our institution. All students deserve the right to succeed. It is the intention of the school to encourage positive self-esteem in order for this goal to be accomplished. The individuality of each person is respected and his or her potential is fostered through a program with good, well-rounded classroom instruction. We promote high morals among school personnel and constantly strive to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of services, the ability to teach, the educational background and experience, the religious convictions and the keen interest in students. Students are taught using methods which will allow each student to reach his/her potential.
Spiritual guidance, good classroom curriculum, personal attention and the recognition of the educational program offered at St. Joseph School. We are committed to serving each student in the best possible manner with God as our main focal point.
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725 Freeman Ave
Oakley, KS 67748 Job Start Date August-1-2025 Applications Due By May-31-2025 Job Contact Information |