7-12 Principal Sylvan-Lucas Unified USD 299

Sylvan USD 299 • www.usd299.org/

Sylvan-Lucas USD 299  is accepting applications for 7-12 Principal at the Sylvan-Lucas Unified Junior/Senior High School for the 2025-2026 school year. Applicants should be fully licensed, energetic, and ready to lead a dedicated staff. The principal works on a 10 month contract (August-May).  

Professional qualifications should include the ability to create and maintain positive relationships, an effective learning climate, demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current educational research and technology.  The applicant must possess the ability to build trust and communication with staff, students, and key stakeholders.

All interested applicants may apply via kansasteachingjobs.com and/or send information to Superintendent Jeff Starkey jstarkey@usd299.org.

Please include in your file, a Letter of Application, Current Resume with at least 3 persons who will serve as references, University Transcripts, and evidence of Kansas licensure or eligibility for Kansas licensure.

Employer Information

Sylvan-Lucas Unified USD 299

Sylvan-Lucas Unified Schools is a rural school district located in Central Kansas on K-18 highway, just minutes north of Lake Wilson.  The Junior-Senior High School, located in Sylvan Grove, has 145 enrolled students in 2024-25.  Both the elementary (located in Lucas) and Jr/Sr high buildings have strong academic programs. 

The technology used in the district includes a 1:1 initiative in grades K-12. K-2 students use IPads while grades 3-12 students use laptops. Classrooms also utilize interactive touchscreen tv`s.  The district sets high standards for its students and has programs in place to help ALL students succeed. Our high school offers 18 dual credit courses to students, 5 CTE pathways to go along with our traditionally strong Fine Arts and Athletics Programs.  Our current KESA goals are in the areas of Responsive Culture and Relevance.

Extracurricular activities include a full offering of sports including football, cross country, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, and track. Non-athletic activities include cheerleading, forensics, scholars bowl, band, vocal, KAY Club, NHS and FFA.

Sylvan USD 299

Benefits Information

Benefits include KPERS membership, single health insurance premium provided, Cafeteria 125 Plan options, personal and sick leave.

Salary Information

Salary based on years of education and experience.

Employer Information

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Job Contact Address

504 West 4th
Sylvan Grove, KS 67481

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