IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: Director of Special Education
DUTY DATE: 2025-2026 School Year
QUALIFICATIONS: Masters Degree in Speech/Language Pathology and current License issued by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Some experience as a Speech/Language Pathologist in a school system is preferred but not required.
Performance Responsibilities:
- Identify students with communication impairments.
- Collaborate with other educational staff to determine the impact of communication impairment on student progress.
- Develop and assist in the implementation of instructional and curricular modifications.
- Provide materials that promote communication development to other educators and families. Participate in student IEP development and implementation.
- Develop and maintain a caseload intervention schedule providing time for direct and indirect services, classroom collaboration and co-teaching, screenings and evaluations, materials preparation and voice output device programming.
- Maintain student records and performance data.
- Supervise speech/language-trained para-educator and graduate students as assigned.
- Mentor to new speech/language pathologists.
- Participate as required on Building Student Improvement Teams, speech/language department committees and projects, special education committees, projects, or audits.
- Must complete all Special Education paperwork including IEPs.
* Other duties as assigned