2025-2026 K-5th Elementary Interrelated Teacher - (Argonia, KS)

Sumner County Educational Services, Interlocal USD 619 • www.d619.org

Please apply at d619.org career opportunities certified staff!


QUALIFICATIONS: Licensed or certified in K-6 special education by the Kansas State Department of Education. (Will consider many of KSDE`s alternative licensure pathways, please contact Director to discuss further)  

REPORTS TO: Building principal and Director of Interlocal

SUPERVISES: Classroom Para Educator/s

JOB GOAL: To provide a continuum of services for each exceptional student with the individually-tailored help, counsel, and learning experience he/she needs to make progress toward educational goals, assisting the student in maximizing his/her potential.


  1. Instructional planning:
    1. Participates on Student Improvement Team as requested by district.
    2. Participates in the comprehensive evaluation / reevaluation of students as requested by the school psychologist.
    3. Responsible for developing the Individual Education Program (IEP) for newly placed or continuing students on caseload.
    4. Responsible for scheduling IEP meetings at a time that considers schedules of the parent and other IEP team participants.
    5. Conducts the annual IEP meeting or assists with student-led meetings.
    6. Communicates regularly with other educators to determine students continuing needs.
    7. Promotes a continuum of services for each student which includes transitional services.
    8. Addresses transitional needs required by individual students.
    9. Case manager for disabled students who receive other services that may include gifted and/or related services.
  2. Instructional delivery:
    1. Develops and implements instructional plans which focuses upon the individual needs of students as stated on the IEP.
    2. Communicates and documents measurable learning outcomes.
    3. Incorporate building and grade level outcomes into goals / objectives as reasonable for each student.
    4. Uses instructional media/materials which relate specifically to individual goals and objectives.
    5. Uses instructional techniques which relate specifically to the learning outcomes.
    6. Develops written lesson plans for teacher and Para Educator/s which outlines the objective, activity, and materials needed for each lesson.
    7. Demonstrates an understanding of disabilities and work to meet the individual needs of students through accommodations and modifications.
  3. Evaluation of student progress:
    1. Objectives/benchmarks updated each nine weeks which reflects data collected on student`s progress in meeting objectives/benchmarks.
    2. Continual assessment of student`s progress in meeting objectives/benchmarks through formal or informal oral and written measurements.
    3. Annual assessment for determining student`s present needs in developing annual IEP.
    4. Written documentation on file of students performance and progress.
    5. Documentation of student need for Extended School Year.
  4. Classroom management:
    1. Clearly and plainly communicates expectations for student behavior.
    2. Assures that physical condition of classroom is conducive to student learning.
    3. Makes continuous use of direct measurement procedures to daily monitor each student`s progress toward learning outcomes.
    4. Supervises classroom Para Educator/s.
  5. Communication:
    1. Consistent communication with parents, students and staffs to determine educational and transitional needs of students.
    2. Ability to manage all job functions with mobility, agility, dexterity, and focused observation to meet job standards of performance.
    3. Follows the requirements as set forth in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Kansas State Regulations for Special Education.
    4. When assigned to more than one district, travels to assigned districts to perform all duties as required of Interrelated Teacher.

OTHER JOB FUNCTIONS: Others may be assigned

  1. Attends staff meetings scheduled by local school district and by the Interlocal.
  2. Attends staff development activities as required by the Director.


  1. Accomplishes the goals and policies of the school district.
  2. Demonstrates effective instruction through knowledge of strategies, subject matter content and classroom management.
  3. Demonstrates proficiency in the use of various classroom equipment, i.e., VCR, overhead projector, tape recorder, etc.
  4. Demonstrates ability to work on teams with other professionals.
  5. Demonstrates skill in meeting goals and objectives on students IEPs

Sumner County Educational Services, Interlocal USD 619

Benefits Information

Full-Time Benefits: 12 Days of Paid-Time-Off (PTO) / $420 board contribution toward health insurance / $16 board contribution toward dental insurance / $7 board contribution toward vision insurance / Professional Leave / Staff Development Funds Up to 100% Tuition reimbursement for alternative licensure pathways and/or Master`s Degree in Special Education.

Salary Information

Salary based on degree level/college hours and years experience. Base salary is currently $43,000 for a first year teacher with no experience. Please call for a projected salary amount for the 2025-2026 school year.

Employer Information


Sumner County Educational Services is a small interlocal that provides special education and related services to five rural school districts in Sumner County. Districts served are USD 359, Argonia; USD 357, Belle Plaine; USD 360 Caldwell; USD 358, Oxford; and USD 509 South Haven. Services provided include those to students identified as disabled and/or gifted/talented.

We are an equal opportunity employer.

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Job Contact Address

2612 N A St
Wellington, KS 67152

Job Start Date


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