K-12 PE Teacher

Flinthills USD 492 • www.usd492.org

Flinthills is looking to fill a PE position that is mainly elementary, but would also have some middle school or high school classes.

Benefits Information

A district sponsored health insurance plan is part of the financial package.

Salary Information

Base Salary in 2025 is $43,525

Employer Information

Flinthills USD 492 includes schools in the communities of Rosalia and Cassoday. Located east of El Dorado in eastern Butler County, the school is a progressive 1A school district with total enrollment of just under 300 students. The district has a PreK-2 building located in Cassoday while grades 3-12 attend school in buildings located in Rosalia. 


District facilities were renovated and added in 2020-21 as result of a bond issue. These improvements included: purchase of 10 acres; roofs; exterior doors and windows at the 3-12 Building; carpet district wide; an Ag building; 8-lane track; baseball/softball complex; tech addition for small engine repair; bus maintenance building; bus barn; seating, and lighting and audio systems in the auditorium; and interactive gym floors at both buildings. The district also completed interior facelifts by painting hallways, classrooms, and lockers.  The district was also able to make improvements with SPARK grant money due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  The district installed a restroom at the PreK-2 Building, air purifiers in every HVAC unit; air purifying fans in most classrooms; touchless faucets and toilets district wide; touchless paper towel dispensers district wide, cafeteria tables at both buildings, additional iPads to complete our 1:1 initiative, an interactive projector with educational and physical games in the PreK-2 Gym, and purchased an assortment of cleaning tools and supplies.  


Technology used in the district includes a 1:1 initiative grades PreK-12.  PreK-1 use ipads, while 2-12 use chromebooks.  Classrooms are also equipped with SMART Boards.


Extracurricular activities include a full offering of sports including football, volleyball, wrestling, basketball, baseball, softball, and track. Other activities include cheerleading, drama, forensics, scholars bowl, band, vocal,  FFA, Skills USA, and TSA.


The district sets high standards for its students and has programs in place to help ALL students succeed.


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PO Box 188
Rosalia, KS 67132

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