High School Math

Scott County Schools USD 466 • www.usd466.com

Courses are flexible and may include, but are not limited to:


Algebra 1



Current '25-'26 Open Supplementals:

Head Volleyball Coach

Head Boys Tennis Coach

Asst Boys Tennis Coach

Asst Cross Country Coach

Debate / Forensics Coach


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Scott County School district covers 756 square miles and serves approximately 1,000 students in a county with a population of 6,000 and in a city of just under 4,000. The district encompasses all of Scott County along with parts of Logan, Wichita and Lane counties. We are located approximately 60 miles east of the Colorado border, and almost directly between the Nebraska and Oklahoma state lines.


U.S.D. 466 educates just over 1,000 students PreK-12. Scott City Elementary School serves PreK-2nd grade students. Class sizes average under 20 students per classroom. Scott City Middle School serves 3rd – 8th grades. Middle school students in grades 6-8 are offered a variety of elective classes during the day and multiple activities and athletics as extracurricular. Scott Community High School is a 9-12 building and is classified as a 3A school. High school students have a variety of options academically and in extra-curricular activities. Our students traditionally compete and perform well at the highest levels in the state. Also, students in grades 5-12 have 1:1 technology devices, and they take pride in our district and community.


In November of 2017, the community passed a $25 million dollar bond issue. The goals of the building projects were to enhance safety at each building, provide proper size for our student population, and become more efficient with aging structures. Highlights of the projects include a new front entry to each building, renovated classrooms in the elementary and middle schools, improvements at the football field and track, and a new 1,800 seat gymnasium. These projects coupled with the 2005 improvements made to the high school and the addition of field turf in a 2023 summer project provide quality facilities for our students, staff, and the community.


Scott City is a thriving community. In 2012, Scott City earned recognition at an "All American City." This recognition was due largely to the efforts and successes of our community to grow and offer more opportunities to residents. We are a regional center within the immediate area. Our community offers business opportunity, health care, and recreational events, among other interests. Some highlights of our community include:


  • More than a dozen restaurants with a variety of cuisine.
  • Multiple shopping opportunities including downtown shops.
  • Five Hotel/Motel establishments.
  • Three Banks
  • Hardware store and lumber yard.
  • Multiple service businesses
  • New Law Enforcement Center
  • Strong Health Care Community including:
    • New Hospital with latest addition in 2019
    • Dental Office
    • Optometry Office
    • Chiropractors
    • Pharmacy
    • Retirement Home
    • Mental Health Facility
  • Recreational opportunities including:
    • Lake Scott State Park 10 miles north of town
    • Multiple parks with well-maintained grounds and equipment, and walking tracks.
    • Nine Hole Golf Course
    • City Pool
    • Recreation Sports Complex built in 2019
    • Indoor Arena and Activity Center
    • Fitness Center
  • Tourism opportunities including:
    • Historical sites
    • Museum
    • Galleries
    • Memorials

Visit http://www.usd466.com/, and http://scottcityks.org/for more details about Scott City, KS.

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704 S. College
Scott City, KS 67871

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