5th Grade Teacher

Remington USD 206 • www.usd206.org

RMS 5th Grade Teacher

Remington USD 206 has a vacancy for a 5th Grade Teacher for Remington Middle School (5-8) for the 2025-2026 school year.  We are seeking a passionate, energetic educator who would add to an already successful and dynamic faculty.  

All potential candidates need to apply through Brenda Kitterman (316,799.2115) by email (blkitterman@usd206.org) and include an application, resume, three letters of reference, current license, and all applicable transcripts.  Supplemental assignments, such as coaching and sponsorships, are availiable with this position. Please contact Matt Regier, RMS Principal, by phone (316.799.2131) or by email (mjregier@usd206.org) for more information about the vacancy.   

USD 206 is an Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity Agency, and does not discriminate the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission or access to, or treatment or employment, it`s programs or activities. 

Remington USD 206

Benefits Information

Health Insurance, Cafeteria plan through the district, PTO, and other benefits.

Salary Information

Based upon experience 

Employer Information

Remington USD 206  serves approximately 500 pre-K-12 students and covers an area of 253 square miles in Butler, Harvey, Sedgwick, and Marion counties. It operates three attendance centers: Remington Elementary in Potwin (Grades Pre-K-4), Remington Middle School in Whitewater (Grades 5-8), and Remington High School which is located three miles east of Whitewater. With the recent completion of a major bond project, all three schools have updated facilities. USD 206 belongs to the Butler County Special Education Coop for special education services.  The district employs four administrators, 45 certified personnel, and 40 support staff.

Through the district`s affiliation with the Heart of America League, the middle school and high school students are provided the following athletic opportunities: cross country, football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, golf, track, softball, and baseball.  Other extracurricular activities include band, vocal music, academic contests, drama, scholars bowl, debate, forensics, FCA, KAYS, and others. 

The district encompasses the small towns of Whitewater, Potwin, and Elbing.  USD 206 is largely rural and boasts the advantages of small town living, with the conveniences of larger cities not far away. The three district schools are located directly off of Highway 196, centrally located between Newton, El Dorado, and Wichita.

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Job Contact Address

110 South Main
Whitewater, KS 67154

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