Kansas Schools List
Abilene USD 435
213 N. Broadway Abilene, 67410 Accelerated Schools of Overland Park10713 Barkley Overland Park, 66211 All Saints Catholic School3313 E. Grand Wichita, 67218 Allen Community College1801 N. Cottonwood Iola, 66749 Altoona-Midway USD 38720584 US 75 Hwy Buffalo, 66717 Andover USD 3851432 N. Andover Rd. Andover, 67002 Annoor Islamic School6655 E 34th Street North Wichita, 67214 ANW Special Education Interlocal710 Bridge Humboldt, 66748 Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas12615 Parallel Parkway Kansas City, 66109 Argonia USD 359202 E. Allen St. Argonia, 67004 Arkansas City USD 4702545 Greenway, Arkansas City, 67005 Arrowhead WestPO Box 1417 Dodge City, 67801 Ashland USD 220311 J. E. Humphreys Street, Ashland, 67831 Atchison Catholic Elementary School201 Division St. Atchison, 66002 Atchison County USD 377306 Main Street Effingham, 66023 Atchison USD 409626 Commercial Street Atchison, 66002 Attica USD 511718 N Main St Attica, 67009 Auburn-Washburn USD 4375928 SW 53rd Street Topeka, 66610 Augusta USD 4022345 Greyhound Dr. Augusta, 67010 Baker University - Department of Undergraduate EducationPO Box 65 Baldwin City, 66006 Baker University Human ResourcesPO Box 65 Baldwin City, 66006 Baker University School of Professional and Graduate Studies8001 College Blvd., Ste 100 Overland Park, 66210 Baker University Wichita Campus3450 N. Rock Road Building 400 Wichita, 67226 Baldwin City USD 348715 Chapel Street, Baldwin City, 66006 Barber County North USD 254100 East 1st Medicine Lodge, 67104 Barclay College607 N Kingman Haviland, 67059 Barnes USD 223212 N. Tripp, Barnes, 66933 Barton Community College245 NE 30 Road Great Bend, 67530 Barton County Special Services2535 Lakin Great Bend, 67530 Basehor-Linwood USD 4582008 N. 155th Street Basehor, 66007 Baxter Springs USD 5081108 Military Avenue Baxter Springs, 66713 Belle Plaine USD 357PO Box 760, 719 N Main St Belle Plaine, 67013 Beloit Special Education Cooperative1714 N. Hersey Beloit, 67420 Beloit USD 273PO Box 547 Beloit, 67420 Bethany Lutheran School9101 Lamar Ave Overland Park, 66207 Bethel College300 E 27th Street North Newton, 67117 Bishop Carroll Catholic High School8101 West Central Wichita, 67212 Bishop Miege High School5041 Reinhardt Drive Roeland Park, 66205 Bishop Seabury Academy4120 Clinton Parkway Lawrence, 66047 Bishop Ward High School708 N 18th St. Kansas City, 66102 Blessed Sacrament Catholic School125 N. Quentin Wichita, 67208 Blue Valley Randolph USD 384PO Box 98 Randolph, 66554 Blue Valley USD 22915020 Metcalf Avenue Overland Park, 66223 Bluestem USD 205625 S Mill Road Leon, 67074 Bonner Springs/Edwardsville USD 2042200 South 138th Street Bonner Springs, 66012 Brewster USD 314127 Kansas Avenue, PO Box 220 Brewster, 67732 Brown County Kansas Special Education Interlocal USD 615301 South 1st Street Hiawatha, 66434 Bucklin USD 459422 S. Main Bucklin, 67834 Buhler USD 313406 W. 7th Buhler, 67522 Burlingame USD 454100 Bloomquist Dr. Suite A Burlingame, 66413 Burlington USD 244301 Neosho Street Burlington, 66839 Burrton USD 369105 E. Lincoln Burrton, 67020 Butler Community College901 S Haverhill Rd El Dorado, 67042 Butler County Special Education Interlocal #6381266 SE Bluestem Road El Dorado, 67042 Cair Paravel Latin School635 SW Clay Street Topeka, 66606 Caldwell USD 36022 N. Webb Caldwell, 67022 Caney Valley USD 436700 E. Bullpup Blvd. Caney, 67333 Canton-Galva USD 419109 South Main Canton, 67428 Cedar Vale, USD 285508 Dora Street Cedar Vale, 67024 Central Christian Academy-Wichita2900 N. Rock Road Wichita, 67226 Central Christian College1200 S Main McPherson, 67460 Central Christian School1910 E 30th Ave. Hutchinson, 67502 Central Heights USD 2883521 Ellis Road Richmond, 66080 Central Kansas Cooperative in Education USD 305409 W Cloud Salina, 67401 Central Plains USD 112406 Main St. Clafllin, 67525 Central USD 462700 N. Main Burden, 67019 Centre USD 3972382 310th Street Lost Springs, 66859 Chanute USD 413321 E. Main Street Chanute, 66720 Chaparral Schools USD 361124 N. Jennings Anthony, 67003 Chapman/USD 473822 N Marshall St Chapman, 67431 Chase County, USD 284219 Broadway Cottonwood Falls, 66845 Chase-Raymond/USD #401313 E Ave C Chase, 67524 Chautauqua County USD 286-Sedan416 E Elm Street, Suite B Sedan, 67361 Cheney USD 268100 W 6th St Cheney, 67025 Cherryvale-Thayer USD 447618 East 4th Street Cherryvale, 67335 Chetopa - St. Paul USD 505430 Elm Chetopa, 67336 Cheylin USD 103605 Bird Ave. Bird City, 67731 Christ the King Catholic School4501 W. Maple Wichita, 67209 Christ the King Catholic School-Kansas City3027 N. 54th St. Kansas City, 66104 Christ the King School - Topeka5973 SW 25th St. Topeka, 66614 Christ the Savior Academy-Wichita7515 E. 13th Street Wichita, 67206 Cimarron-Ensign USD 102314 N. First Cimarron, 67835 Circle USD 375901 Main Towanda, 67144 Clay County USD 379807 Dexter St. Clay Center, 67432 Clearwater USD 264151 S 1st Ave Clearwater, 67026 Clifton-Clyde USD 224616 N. High Street Clyde, 66938 Cloud County Community College2221 Campus Dr. P. O. Box 1002 Concordia, 66901 Coffey County Special Education Cooperative USD 244Coffey County Special Education Cooperative Burlington, 66839 Coffeyville Community College400 W 11th Coffeyville, 67337 Coffeyville USD 445615 Ellis St Coffeyville, 67337 Colby Community College1255 South Range Ave. Colby, 67701 Colby USD 315600 West Third Colby, 67701 Columbus USD 493802 S High School Ave Columbus, 66725 Comanche County USD 300600 E. Garfield Coldwater, 67029 Community Action Head Start / Early Head StartPO Box 5256 Topeka, 66605 Community Children`s Center-Lawrence346 Maine Street Lawrence, 66044 Concordia USD 333217 West 7th Street Concordia, 66901 Conway Springs USD 356110 N. Monnet Conway Springs, 67031 Copeland USD 476105 Thatcher Copeland, 67837 Corpus Christi Catholic School6001 Bob Billings Parkway Lawrence, 66049 Cowley College125 S. Second Street Arkansas City, 67005 Cowley County Special Services Cooperative/USD 4651317 Wheat Rd. Winfield, 67156 Crest Unified School District No. 479PO Box 305 Colony, 66015-0305 Cunningham USD 332104 W. 4th Cunningham, 67035 Cure of Ars Catholic School9403 Mission Road Leawood, 66206 De Soto USD 23235200 W. 91st St. De Soto, 66018 Deerfield USD 216803 Beech Street Deerfield, 67838 Demo KEEB, 66743 Demo Recruitment II947 West 47 Highway Girard, 66743 Derby USD 2601550 E Walnut Grove Rd. Derby, 67037 Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas, Inc.2703 Hall Street, Suite 10 Hays, 67601 Dexter USD 471311 N. Main Street P. O. Box 97 Dexter, 67038 Dighton USD 482710 E. Lincoln St. Dighton, 67839 Diocese of Dodge City USD 801910 Central Avenue PO Box 137 Dodge City, 67801 Diocese of Wichita424 N Broadway Wichita, 67202 Dodge City Community College2501 N 14th Dodge City, 67801 Dodge City USD 4432112 1st Avenue Dodge City, 67801 Doniphan County Education Cooperative USD 616135 S. Main Troy, 66087 Doniphan West Schools USD 111402 E Main Highland, 66035 Douglas County Tiny K2619 W 6th St. #B Lawrence, 66049 Douglass USD 396921 E. First St. Douglass, 67039 Durham-Hillsboro-Lehigh USD 410416 South Date Hillsboro, 67063 East Central Kansas Special Education Cooperative USD 36822795 W. 255th Street Paola, 66071 East Central KS Coop in Ed USD 614600 High Street Baldwin City, 66006 Easton USD 44932502 Easton Road Easton, 66020 ECKAN Head Start1320 S Ash Ottawa, 66067 Educate Kansas, El Dorado USD 490124 W. Central Ave. El Dorado, 67042 Elk Valley USD 283701 Delaware, PO Box 87 Longton, 67352 Elkhart USD 218PO Box 999 Elkhart, 67950 Ell Saline USD 307412 E. Anderson Brookville, 67425 Ellinwood USD 355300 N. Schiller Ellinwood, 67526 Ellis USD 3881011 Washington, PO Box 256 Ellis, 67637-0256 Ellsworth USD 327P.O. Box 306 Ellsworth, 67439 Elyria Christian School1644 Comanche Rd. McPherson, 67460 Emporia State UniversityPlumb Hall 210 Emporia, 66801 Emporia State University Center for Early Childhood1 Kellogg Circle Emporia, 66801 Emporia State University Special Education and School Counseling Department1200 Commercial St. Campus Box 4036 Emporia, 66801 Emporia USD 2531700 West 7th Ave Emporia, 66801 Erie USD 101205 S Main Erie, 66733 ESS2510 N 59th Street Kansas City, 66104 ESSDACK1500 E 11th Ave Ste 200 Hutchinson, 67501 Eudora USD 4911310 Winchester Road, P.O. Box 500 Eudora, 66025 Eureka USD 389216 N Main Eureka, 67045 Eva M Harmon6915 W. 71st St. Overland Park, 66204-1905 Fairfield Schools USD 31016115 S Langdon Rd Langdon, 67583 Faith Lutheran School - Derby208 S. Derby Derby, 67037 FHSU - Department of Communication Disorders600 Park St. Albertson Hall #131 Hays, 67601 Flint Hills Christian School3905 Green Valley Road Manhattan, 66502 Flint Hills Christian School at Green501 North St Green, 67447 Flint Hills Technical College3301 W 18th Ave Emporia, 66801 Flinthills USD 492PO Box 188 Rosalia, 67132 Fort Hays State University600 Park Street Hays, 67601 Fort Hays Tech | North Central3033 Highway 24 Beloit, 67420 Fort Larned USD 495120 East 6th Street Larned, 67550 Fort Leavenworth USD 207207 Education Way Fort Leavenworth, 66027 Fort Scott Community College2108 S. Horton Fort Scott, 66701 Fort Scott USD 234424 S. Main Street Fort Scott, 66701 Fowler USD 225100 E. 8th Ave Fowler, 67844 Fredonia USD 484300 N. 6th Fredonia, 66736 Friends University2100 W University Wichita, 67213 Frontenac USD 249208 S Cayuga Frontenac, 66763 Futures Unlimited Preschool/Head Start Program2410 North A Street Wellington, 67152 Galena USD 499702 E. 7th Galena , 66739 Garden City Community College801 Campus Drive Garden City, 67846 Garden City Public Schools USD 4571205 Fleming St. Garden City, 67846 Gardner Edgerton USD 231PO Box 97 231 E Madison St Gardner, 66030 Garnett USD 365305 N. Oak - PO Box 328 Garnett, 66032 Geary County USD 475123 North Eisenhower Dr. Junction City, 66441 Girard USD 248415 N. Summit Ave. Girard, 66743 Goddard USD 265201 S Main Goddard, 67052 Gods Little Saints Preschool808 South 1st Street Atwood, 67730 Goessel USD 411P.O. Box. 68 Goessel, 67053 Golden Plains USD 316335 School Street Rexford, 67753 Goodland USD 3521311 Main Goodland, 67735 Graham County USD 281117 North Third Hill City, 67642 Great Bend USD 428201 S. Patton Road Great Bend, 67530 Greeley County USD 200400 W. Lawrence St. Tribune, 67879 Greenbush ESC USD 609947 W. 47 Hwy Girard, 66743 Grinnell Public Schools USD #291P.O. Box 68 Grinnell, 67738 Growing Futures Early Education Center8155 Santa Fe Drive Overland Park, 66204 Guidepost Montessori-Leavenworth571 Metropolitan Avenue Leavenworth, 66048 Guidepost Montessori-Leawood14701 W 136th Street Leawood, 66224 Halstead-Bentley USD 440521 West 6th Halstead, 67056 Hamilton USD 3902596 W Road North Hamilton, 66853 Harvey County Special Education Cooperative USD 373308 E. First Street Newton, 67114 Haven USD 312414 W. Main, P.O. Box 130 Haven, 67543 Haviland USD 474Unified School District #474 Haviland, 67059 Hayden Catholic High School of Archdiocese of Kansas City401 SW Gage Blvd. Topeka, 66606 Hays USD 489323 West 12th St Hays, 67601 Hays Victory Christian Academy5790 230th Avenue Hays, 67601 Haysville USD 2611745 W. Grand Haysville, 67060 Healy USD 4685006 N Dodge Road Healy, 67850 Heartland Christian School1995 W, 4th Street Colby, 67701 Heartland Virtual Academy1302 S Main Suite 6 Ottawa, 66067 Heartspring8700 E 29th St N Wichita, 67226 Herington USD 48719 North Broadway Herington , 67449 Heritage Christian Academy16000 Blackbob Road Olathe, 66221 Heritage Christian Academy201 S Elbing Rd PO Box 70 Elbing, 67041 Hesston College301 S. Main Street Box 3000 Hesston, 67062 Hesston USD 460150 N Ridge Rd Hesston, 67062 Hiawatha USD 415706 S. 1st. P.O. Box 398 Hiawatha, 66434 High Plains Educational Cooperative USD 611621 E. Oklahoma Ulysses, 67880 Highland Community College606 W. Main Highland, 66035 Hodgeman County USD 227401 Douglas Jetmore, 67854 Hoisington USD 431165 West Third Hoisington, 67544 Holcomb USD 363305 Wiley Holcomb, 67851-0008 Holton Special Education Cooperative USD 336118 East 5th Street, P O Box 230 Holton, 66436 Holton, USD 336515 Pennsylvannia Ave. Holton, 66436 Holy Cross Catholic School2633 Independence Road Hutchinson, 67502 Holy Family Catholic School-Topeka1725 NE Seward Ave Topeka, 66616 Holy Family Elementary1800 Milner Hays, 67601 Holy Family School-Great Bend4200 Broadway Great Bend, 67530 Holy Name Catholic School406 Willow Coffeyville, 67337 Holy Rosary Wea Catholic School22705 Metcalf Ave. Bucyrus, 66013 Holy Savior Catholic Academy in Wichita1457 N Chatauqua Wichita, 67214 Holy Spirit Catholic School18218 W. Highway 54 Goddard , 67052 Holy Spirit Catholic School-Overland Park11300 W 103rd St Overland Park, 66214 Holy Trinity Catholic School - Lenexa13600 W 92nd St Lenexa, 66215 Honey Tree and Branches Academy12725 W 21st N Wichita, 67235 Horizon Academy4901 Reinhardt Dr. Suite A Roeland Park, 66205 Hoxie USD 4121100 Queen Ave. Hoxie, 67740 Hugoton USD 210529 S. Main Hugoton , 67951 Humboldt USD 258801 New York Street Humboldt, 66748 Hutchinson Community College1300 N Plum Hutchinson, 67501 Hutchinson USD 3081520 North Plum Hutchinson, 67501 Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy5801 W 115th St. Overland Park, 66211 Independence Community College1057 West College Ave. P. O. Box 708 Independence, 67301 Independence USD 446517 North 10th Street Independence, 67301 Ingalls USD 477100 Bulldog Drive Ingalls, 67853 Inman USD 448119 S. Main St Inman, 67546 Insight School of Kansas16740 W. 175th Street Olathe, 66062 Iola USD 257305 N Washington Ave Iola, 66749 Jayhawk USD 346414 S. 5th Street Mound City, 66056 Jefferson County North, USD 339310 5th Street Winchester, 66097 Jefferson West USD 3403675 74th Street, PO Box 267 Meriden, 66512 Jobs for Americas Graduates - Kansas1420 SW Arrowhead Drive Topeka, 66604 John Paul II Catholic School6915 West 71st Street Overland Park, 66204 Johnson County Community College12345 College Blvd Overland Park, 66210 K-State Research and Extension121 Umberger Manhattan, 66506 Kansas Board of Regents1000 SW Jackson St. Suite 520 Topeka, 66612 Kansas Childrens Service League705 Ballinger Garden City, 67846 Kansas City Christian School4801 W 79th St. Prairie Village, 66208 Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools USD 5002010 N. 59th St. Kansas City, 66104 Kansas Connections Academy150 Wildcat Avenue Elkhart or Home-Based, 67950 Kansas Independent College Association205 East Kansas McPherson, 67460 Kansas Infinitec, Kansas Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association260 W Kansas Kingman, 67068 Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center11009 S. Hornet Road Hutchinson, 67504 Kansas Learning Network administered by SWPRSCPO Box 1010 Sublette, 67877 Kansas Recruitment and Retention ProgramP.O. Box 189 Girard, 66743 Kansas School for the Deaf450 E. Park St Olathe, 66061 Kansas Secondary Connections, University of Kansas, Center for Research on LearningJR Pearson Hall, Room 521 1122 W Campus Rd Lawrence, 66045 Kansas STARBASE, Kansas State College of Engineering1042 Rathbone Hall Kansas State University Manhattan, 66506-5201 Kansas State Department of Education900 SW Jackson, Suite 102 Topeka, 66612 Kansas State High School Activities AssociationPO Box 495 Topeka, 66601-0495 Kansas State School for the BlindIrwin Administration Building 1100 State Avenue Kansas City, 66102 Kansas State University College of Education1100 Mid-Campus Dr Bluemont Hall Manhattan, 66506 Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine1710 Denison Ave. 102 Trotter Hall Manhattan, 66056 Kansas State University Polytechnic2310 Centennial Road Salina, 67401 Kansas State University Special Education, Counseling, and Student Affairs1100 Mid-Campus Drive 369 Bluemont Hall Manhattan, 66506 Kansas Wesleyan University100 E. Claflin Ave. Salina, 67401-6196 Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School8506 East Central Wichita, 67206 KASB Superintendent and District Leadership Search Services1420 SW Arrowhead Road Topeka, 66604-4024 Kaw Valley USD 321411 W. Lasley St. Marys, 66536 Keystone Learning Services / Northeast Kansas Education Service Center USD 608500 E. Sunflower Blvd. Ozawkie, 66070 Kickapoo Head Start / Early Head Start211 S West Street PO Box 127 Powhattan, 66527 Kickapoo Nation School400 First Street Powhattan, 66527 Kingman-Norwich USD 331115 North Main St Kingman, 67068 Kinsley-Offerle USD 347120 W. 8th Street Kinsley, 67547 Kiowa County USD 422710 S. Main Street Greensburg, 67054 Kismet-Plains USD 48317222 Mustang Road Kismet, 67859 KSHSAA - Kansas State High School Activities Association601 SW Commerce Place Topeka, 66601 KU Achievement & Assessment InstituteJoseph R. Pearson Hall, Rm. 240 1122 West Campus Rd Lawrence, 66045 KU Life Span Institute1122 W Campus Rd Lawrence, 66045 KU School of Medicine - Wichita1010 N Kansas 2nd Floor, Room 2022 Wichita, 67214 La Crosse USD 395PO Box 778 La Crosse, 67548 Labette Community College200 South 14th Street Parsons, 67357 Labette County USD 506P. O. Box 189 Altamont, 67330 Lakemary Center100 Lakemary Drive Paola, 66071 Lakin USD 2151003 West Kingman Lakin, 67860 Lansing USD 469200 E. Mary St. Lansing, 66043 Lawrence Community Nursery School645 Alabama Lawrence, 66044 Lawrence Public Schools USD 497110 McDonald Drive Lawrence, 66044 Learning Cooperative of North Central Kansas USD 333219 West 7th Street Concordia, 66901 Learning Forward Kansas727 N Parker Bennington, 67422 Leavenworth U.S.D. #453200 N. 4th Street Leavenworth, 66048 Leavenworth Regional Catholic School System - Immaculata High School600 Shawnee Leavenworth, 66048 Lebo-Waverly USD 243411 Pearson Waverly, 66871 LeRoy-Gridley USD 245P.O. Box 278 LeRoy, 66857 Lewis USD 502401 Sunnyside Drive Lewis, 67552 Liberal USD 4807 Parkway Blvd Liberal, 67901 Life Prep Academy (Word of Life Trad. Schools, Dist. #Z0066)3841 N Meridian Wichita, 67204 Life Span Institute at Parsons2601 Gabriel Avenue PO Box 738 Parsons, 67357 Lincoln USD 298133 East Lincoln Avenue Lincoln, 67455 Linn Lutheran School112 Church Street Linn, 66953 Little River USD 444PO Box 218 Little River, 67457 Logan USD 326305 N. Sherman P.O. Box 98 Logan, 67646 Louisburg USD 41629020 Mission Belleview Road Louisburg, 66053 Love N Learn Early Childhood Center232 E Cloud St. Salina, 67401 Lyndon, USD 421421 East 6th Street Lyndon, 66451 Lyons USD 405800 S. Workman Lyons, 67554 Macksville USD 351433 N. Gilmore Macksville, 67557 Madison-Virgil USD 386P.O. Box 398 Madison, 66860 Magdalen Catholic School2221 N. 127th St. E Wichita, 67206 Maize USD 266905 W Academy Ave Maize, 67101 Manhattan Catholic Schools306 S. Juliette Manhattan, 66502 Manhattan-Ogden USD 383901 Poyntz Avenue Manhattan, 66502 Marais des Cygnes Valley USD 456105 SW Main Melvern, 66510 Maranatha Christian Academy7055 Silverheel St Shawnee, 66226 Marillac8000 W 127th Street Overland Park, 66213 Marion County Special Education Cooperative USD 6171500 E. Lawrence Marion, 66861 Marion-Florence USD 408101 N. Thorp Marion, 66861 Marmaton Valley USD 256128 West Oak Moran, 66755 Marshall County Special Education Cooperative1004 Oak Street Marysville, 66508 Marshall Nemaha Educational Services Cooperative316 Main Street Seneca, 66538 Mater Dei Catholic School934 SW Clay Street Topeka, 66606 Maur Hill - Mount Academy1000 Green St Atchison, 66002 McLouth USD 342217 Summit McLouth, 66054-0040 McPherson & Jacobson11725 Arbor St., Suite 220 Omaha, 68144 McPherson College1600 E Euclid P. O. Box 1402 McPherson, 67460 McPherson County Kansas Infant Development Services1106 Hospital Drive McPherson, 67460 McPherson County Special Education Cooperative514 North Main Street McPherson, 67460 McPherson USD 418514 N. Main McPherson, 67460 Meade USD 226409 School Addition Meade, 67864 MidAmerica Nazarene University2030 E. College Way Olathe, 66062 Minneola USD 219111 East Locust St. Minneola, 67865 Mission Valley USD 330511 East 2nd Avenue Eskridge, 66423 Montezuma USD 371103 W. Sunnyside Montezuma, 67867 Morris County USD 41717 S. Wood Council Grove, 66846 Moscow USD 209301 High Road Moscow, 67952 Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic School1750 SW Stone Ave Topeka, 66604 Moundridge USD 423526 E. Cole Moundridge, 67107 Mulvane USD 263628 E. Mulvane Mulvane, 67110 National American UniversityOverland Park Campus 10310 Mastin Overland Park, 66212 Nativity Parish School-Leawood3700 W. 119th Street Leawood, 66209 NCKSEC Interlocal USD 636205 F Street, Suite 235 Phillipsburg, 67661 Nemaha Central USD #115318 Main Seneca, 66538 Neodesha USD 461PO BOX 88 Neodesha, 66757 Neosho County Community College800 West 14th Street Chanute, 66720 Ness City USD 303414 E. Chestnut Ness City, 67560 Newman University3100 McCormick Wichita, 67213 Newton USD 373308 E 1st Street Newton, 67114 Nickerson USD 3094501 West Fourth Ave. Hutchinson, 67501 North Jackson USD #33512692 266th Rd Holton, 66436 North Ottawa County USD 239716 E. Seventh Street Minneapolis, 67467 Northeast USD 2461001 E South Street Arma, 66712 Northern Valley USD 212512 W. Bryant Almena, 67622 Northwest Kansas Educational Service Center/USD 602703 West Second Oakley, 67748 Northwest Kansas Technical College1209 Harrison Street PO Box 668 Goodland, 67735 Norton USD 211105 E. Waverly Norton, 67654 Oakley USD 274621 Center, Ste 103 Oakley , 67748 Oberlin USD 294131 E. Commercial Oberlin, 67749 OCCK1710 W. Schilling Road PO Box 1160 Salina, 67402 Olathe Head Start USD 2331700 West Sheridan Olathe, 66061 Olathe USD 23314160 Black Bob Road Olathe, 66063-2000 Old Mission Early Education Center5519 State Park Road Fairway, 66205 Open Minds Child Development Center1778 E. Harold Street Olathe, 66061 ORION Education and Training13939 Diagonal Road, Clearwater, 67026 Osage City USD 420520 Main Street Osage City, 66523 Osawatomie USD 3671200 Trojan Drive Osawatomie, 66064 Osborne USD #392234 W Washington St. Osborne, 67473 Oskaloosa USD 341404 Park Street Oskaloosa, 66066 Oswego USD 504719 4th Street Oswego , 67356 Otis Bison USD 403301 W Eagle St Otis, 67565 Ottawa University1001 S Cedar Ottawa, 66067 Ottawa USD 2901404 S. Ash Ottawa, 66067 Our Lady of Unity Catholic School2646 S. 34th Street Kansas City, 66106 Oxford USD 358515 N. Water Street PO Box 970 Oxford, 67119 Palco USD 269402 3rd Street Damar, 67632 Pando InitiativeWichita, 67202 Paola USD 3681115 E. 303rd Street Paola, 66071 Paradise USD 399P.O. Box 100 Natoma, 67651 Parsons USD 5032900 Southern Blvd. Parsons, 67357 Pawnee Heights USD 496P.O. Box 98 Rozel, 67574 Peabody-Burns USD 398506 Elm Peabody, 66866 Perry-Lecompton USD 343PO Box 729 Perry, 66073-0729 Phillipsburg USD 325240 South Seventh Street Phillipsburg, 67661 Pike Valley USD #426P.O. Box 291 Scandia, 66966 Piper USD 2033130 N 122nd St Kansas City, 66109 Pittsburg State University1701 S Broadway 115B Hughes Hall Pittsburg, 66762 Pittsburg State University Kansas City Metro Center12345 W. 95th St. Ste. 204 Lenexa, 66215 Pittsburg USD 250510 Deill Pittsburg, 66762 Plainville USD 270203 SE Cardinal Ave Plainville, 67663 Pleasanton USD 344309 West 13th Pleasanton, 66075 Prairie Hills - USD 1131619 S. Old Hwy 75 Sabetha, 66534 Prairie View Mental Health Center1901 E. 1st Newton, 67114 Prairie View USD 36213799 Kansas Hwy 152 LaCygne, 66040 Pratt Community College348 NE SR 61 Pratt, 67124 Pratt USD 382401 S. Hamilton Pratt, 67124 PREP-KC2300 Main St, Suite 340 Kansas City, 64108 Pretty Prairie USD 311206 East Main Pretty Prairie, 67570 Prince of Peace Catholic School16000 W. 143rd Street Olathe, 66062 Quinter USD 293601 Gove PO Box 540 Quinter, 67752 Rainbows United3223 N. Oliver Wichita, 67220 Rawlins County USD 105205 North 4th Ste 1 Atwood, 67730 Recruitment Demo947 West 47 HWY Girard, 66743 Remington USD 206110 South Main Whitewater, 67154 Reno County Education Cooperative USD 6102500 East 30th Avenue Hutchinson, 67502 Renwick USD 267600 W. Rush Andale, 67001 Republic County USD 1091205 19th Street Belleville, 66935 Resurrection Catholic School-Kansas City425 N. 15th Street Kansas City, 66102 Resurrection Catholic School-Wichita4900 N Woodlawn Wichita, 67220 Rice County Special Services Coop USD 405800 South Workman Lyons, 67554 Riley County USD 378204 W. Kansas Ave. Riley, 66531 Riverbend International School1900 North 2nd Atchison, 66002 Riverside USD 1141409 Vermont Elwood, 66024 Riverton USD 4046860 SE Hwy 66 Riverton, 66770 Rock Creek USD 3239353 Flush Road St. George, 66535 Rock Hills USD 107109 E Main Street Mankato, 66956 Rocket Online School KS (ROCS)Elk Valley, 67352 Rolla USD 217204 Van Buren Rolla, 67954 Roman Catholic Diocese of Salina Schools 843103 N. Ninth Street Salina, 67401 Rose Hill USD 394104 N Rose Hill Road Rose Hill , 67133 Royal Valley USD 337101 W. Main Street, Box 219 Mayetta, 66509 Rural Vista USD 481414 E. Goodnow White City, 66872 Russell Child Development Center714 Ballinger Garden City, 67846 Russell USD 407400 N. Elm St. Russell, 67665 Sacred HeartArkansas City, KS, 67005 Sacred Heart Cathedral Catholic School USD 801905 Cental Ave. Dodge City, 67801 Sacred Heart Catholic School102 Cottonwood Emporia, 66801-3848 Sacred Heart Grade School Plainville300 N Washington Plainville, 67663 Sacred Heart School - Colby1150 W 6th Street Colby , 67701 Sacred Heart/Holy Child330 N Oak Pratt, 67124 Sacred Heart/Ness City District #801510 S School Ness City, 67560 Saint Andrews School301 S. Buckeye Ave. Abilene, 67410 Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic School3660 North Ridge Road Wichita, 67205 Saint Joseph Catholic School-Wichita139 S. Millwood Rd. Wichita , 67213 Saint Thomas Aquinas - Overland Park11411 Pflumm Road Overland Park, 66216 Salina Area Technical College2562 Centennial Rd. Salina, 67401 Salina USD 3051511 Gypsum Ave Salina, 67401 Salina-Sacred Heart Jr-Sr High School234 E Cloud Salina, 67401 Santa Fe Trail USD 434104 S. Burlingame Ave Scranton, 66537 Satanta USD 507100 Caddo St. Satanta, 67870 Scott County Schools USD 466704 S. College Scott City, 67871 Seaman USD 345901 NW Lyman Rd Topeka, 66608 Sedgwick County Area Educational Services Interlocal Cooperative USD 618620 Industrial Goddard, 67052 Sedgwick USD 439400 W. 4th Sedgwick, 67135 SEK-CAP, Inc.401 N Sinnet Girard, 66743 Seward County Community College/Area Technical School1801 N Kansas Avenue PO Box 1137 Liberal, 67905-1137 Shawnee Heights USD 4504401 SE Shawnee Heights Rd Tecumseh, 66542 Shawnee Mission USD 5128200 W 71st St Overland Park, 66204 Silver Lake Schools USD 372400 E Pottawatomie St Silver Lake, 66539 Skyline Schools USD 43820269 W. Highway 54 Pratt, 67124 Smart Start of Saline County155 N Oakdale Avenue Suite 200 Salina, 67401 Smith Center USD 237216 South Jefferson Smith Center, 66967 Smoky Hill Education Service Center605 E. Crawford Salina, 67401 Smoky Valley USD 400126 S Main Lindsborg, 67456 Solomon USD 393113 E. 7th Solomon, 67480 South Barber USD 255512 Main Kiowa, 67070 South Brown County USD 430522 Central Ave Horton, 66439 South Central Border League202 E. Allen Argonia, 67004 South Central Kansas Special Education Cooperative USD 605412 Sandy Lane Pratt, 67124 South Haven USD 509229 Kickapoo St South Haven, 67140 Southeast Kansas Interlocal 637400 N. Pine Pittsburg, 66762 Southeast of Saline USD 3065056 E. K-4 Highway Gypsum, 67448 Southeast USD 247506 S Smelter St Cherokee, 66724 Southern Cloud USD 334619 Tootle Avenue Miltonvale, 67466 Southern Lyon County USD 252100 Commercial St. Suite A P. O. Box 278 Hartford/Olpe, 66854 Southwest Kansas Area Cooperative District 6132112 1st Ave, Room 252 Dodge City, 67801 Southwest Kansas Educational Consortium, Interlocal USD 625407 School Addition PO Box 400 Meade, 67864 Southwest Plains Regional Service Center 626810 W. Lark Avenue Sublette, 67877 Southwestern College100 College St Winfield , 67156 Spearville USD 381P.O. Box 338 Spearville, 67876 Spring Hill USD 23017640 W. 199th Street Spring Hill, 66083 St John Catholic High School209 S Cherry St Beloit, 67420 St John Lutheran School-Alma206 W. 2nd St. Alma, 66401 St Johns Catholic School100 S Church St Hanover, 66945 St Marys School-Ellis605 Monroe Ellis, 67637 St. Agnes School5130 Mission Road Roeland Park, 66205 St. Andrew Catholic/Wichita Diocese215 N. Park Blvd. Independence, 67301 St. Ann Catholic School-Prairie Village7241 Mission Road Prairie Village, 66208 St. Anne Catholic School1121 Regal Street Wichita, 67217 St. Benedict Catholic School201 Unity Street Atchison, 66002 St. Dominic Catholic School617 JC Street Garden City, 67846 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School645 N 119th St. Wichita, 67235 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School853 N. Socora Wichita, 67212 St. Francis USD 297100 S College Street Saint Francis, 67756 St. Francis Xavier Catholic School200 N. Washington St. Junction City, 66441 St. Gregory Catholic School207 N 14th St. Ste. A Marysville, 66508 St. James Academy24505 Prairie Star Parkway Lenexa, 66227 St. James Catholic School - Augusta1010 Belmont Avenue Augusta, 67010 St. JohnP.O. Box 5020 Salina, 67402 St. John - Hudson USD 350505 N. Broadway St. John, 67576 St. John Catholic School-Lawrence1208 Kentucky Street Lawrence, 66044 St. Joseph Catholic School - Conway Springs218 N 5th Conway Springs, 67031 St. Joseph Catholic School - Ellinwood111 W. 3rd Ellinwood, 67526 St. Joseph School - Oakley725 Freeman Ave Oakley, 67748 St. Mary Catholic School - Garden City503 St John Street Garden City , 67846 St. Mary Catholic School - Newton101 E 9th St. Newton, 67114 St. Mary Parish Catholic School-Derby2306 E Meadowlark Blvd. Derby, 67037 St. Marys Grade School-Salina304 East Cloud Street Salina, 67401 St. Mary`s Catholic School-Fort Scott702 South Eddy Fort Scott, 66701 St. Mary`s Colgan Catholic Schools212 E. 9th Street Pittsburg, 66762 St. Matthew Catholic School-Topeka1000 SE 28th Street Topeka, 66605 St. Michael the Archangel Catholic School14201 Nall Ave Leawood, 66223 St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School Chanute409 S Malcolm Chanute, 66720 St. Patrick Catholic School630 W D Ave Kingman, 67068 St. Patrick Catholic School - Parsons1831 Stevens Parsons, 67357 St. Patrick Catholic School-Kansas City1066 N 94th Street Kansas City, 66112 St. Patrick Catholic School-Wichita2023 N. Arkansas Ave. Wichita, 67203 St. Paul Lutheran School320 N 7th St. Leavenworth, 66048 St. Peter Catholic School11010 Southwest Blvd. Wichita, 67215 St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Catholic School530 East Fourth Avenue Garnett, 66032 St. Teresa Catholic Elementary215 East 5th Hutchinson, 67501 St. Thomas Aquinas School1215 Stratford Lane Wichita, 67206 Stafford USD 349318 E. Broadway Stafford, 67578 Stanton County USD 452200 W. Weaver Avenue Johnson City, 67855 Sterling College125 W. Cooper Sterling, 67579 Sterling USD 376308 E. Washington Sterling, 67579 Stockton USD 271421 Main Stockton, 67669 Stone House Early Childhood Education Center1701 N. Manhattan Avenue Manhattan, 66506 Sts. Peter and Paul School409 Elk Street Seneca, 66538 Sublette USD 374105 West Fern Sublette, 67877 Sumner County Educational Services, Interlocal USD 6192612 N A St Wellington, 67152 Sunflower Early Education Center1312 Patton Rd. Great Bend, 67530 Sylvan Learning Center2800 Wanamaker, #140 Topeka, 66614 Sylvan USD 299504 West 4th Sylvan Grove, 67481 Syracuse USD 494103 W. Ave F Syracuse, 67878 Tabor College400 S Jefferson Hillsboro, 67063 TARC2701 SW Randolph Ave Topeka, 66611 Technology Excellence in Education Network (TEEN) Interlocal 632416 South Date Hillsboro, 67063 Test District2124 Happy Lanes Road Pittsburg, 66762 Test Julie, Testing DemoGirard, 66743 The Independent School8317 E. Douglas Wichita, 67207 Thomas More Prep-Marian1701 Hall Street Hays, 67601 Three Lakes Educational Cooperative USD 6201318 Topeka Ave., PO Box 627 Lyndon, 66451 Thunder Ridge USD 110128 South Kansas Kensington , 66951 Tipton Catholic High SchoolPO Box 146 Tipton, 67485 Tonganoxie USD 464300 US Highway-24/40 Tonganoxie, 66086 TOP Early Learning Centers4600 S Clifton Wichita, 67216 Topeka Collegiate School2200 SW Eveningside Drive Topeka, 66614 Topeka Lutheran School701 Roosevelt Topeka, 66606 Topeka USD 501624 SW 24th Street Topeka, 66611 Tri-County Spec. Ed. Coop. Int. USD 6072207 N. 10th Independence, 67301 Tri-County Special Education Services USD 495/712906 Corse Avenue Larned, 67550 Trinity Academy12345 E 21st St North Wichita, 67206 Trinity Catholic Jr/Sr High School1400 East 17th Street Hutchinson, 67501 Trinity Lutheran School611 North 8th Atchison, 66002 Trinity Lutheran School-Winfield901 Mound Street Winfield, 67156 Triplains USD 2755th and Wilson Winona, 67764 Troy USD 429230 W. Poplar Troy, 66087 Turner USD 202800 South 55th Street Kansas City, 66106 Turning Point Academy901 Exchange Street Emporia, 66801 Twin Lakes Educational Cooperative USD 379PO Box 97 807 Dexter Clay Center, 67432 Twin Valley USD 240PO Box 38, 107 N. Nelson Bennington, 67422 Udall USD 463303 S. Seymour Udall, 67146 Ulysses USD 214111 S. Baughman Ulysses, 67880 Uniontown USD 235601 5th Street Uniontown, 66779 University of Kansas - Hilltop Child Development Center1605 Irving Hill Road Lawrence, 66045 University of Kansas - Kansas Fire & Rescue Training Institute1515 St. Andrews Drive Lawrence, 66047 University of Kansas - School of EducationJoseph R. Pearson Hall Lawrence, 66045 University of Kansas Department of Speech-Language-Hearing3001 Dole Center 1000 Sunnyside Avenue Lawrence, 66045 University of Kansas Medical Center3901 Rainbow Drive Kansas City, 66160 University of Kansas, Research Collaboration1122 W Campus Rd. Joseph R. Pearson Hall Rm. 702 Lawrence, 66045 University of Kansas-School of Education and Human Sciences1122 West Campus Road Lawrence, 66045 University of Saint Mary4100 South 4th Street Trafficway Leavenworth, 66048 USA Kansas1420 SW Arrowhead Rd. Suite 100 Topeka, 66603 USD 000 Demo District000 Test Street Test City, 66743 USD 251 North Lyon CountyPO Box 527 Americus, 66835 USD 322 Onaga-Havensville-Wheaton500 High Onaga, 66521 USD 364 Marysville Schools211 S. 10th Street Marysville, 66508 Valley Center USD 262143 S Meridian Valley Center, 67147 Valley Falls USD 338700 Oak Street Valley Falls, 66088 Valley Heights USD 4982274 6th Road Blue Rapids, 66411 Veritas Christian School256 North Michigan Street Lawrence, 66044 Vermillion USD 380209 School Street Vermillion, 66544 Victoria USD 4321105 10th Street Victoria, 67671 Victory Village Christian Academy201 South Victory Road PO Box 2068 Hutchinson, 67504 Wabaunsee USD #329213 E. Ninth Alma, 66401 Waconda USD 272708 Locust Cawker City, 67430 WaKeeney USD 208527 Russell Ave WaKeeney, 67672 Wallace County USD 241521 N. Main St. Sharon Springs, 67758 Wamego USD 3201008 8th Street Wamego, 66547 Washburn University1700 SW COLLEGE AVE Topeka, 66621 Washington County USD 108101 West College Street Washington, 66968 Wellington Christian Academy205 N Hoover Rd Wellington, 67152 Wellington USD 353221 South Washington Wellington, 67152 Wellsville USD 289602 Walnut St Wellsville, 66092 Weskan USD 242219 Coyote Blvd. Weskan, 67762 West Elk USD 2821201 S. Highway 99, P.O. Box 607 Howard, 67349 West Franklin USD 287510 E Franklin Pomona, 66076 Western Plains USD 106100 School Street Ransom, 67572 Wheatland USD 2922920 K-23 Grainfield, 67737 Wichita Catholic Diocese, Holy Name Catholic School in Winfield, KS700 Fuller Winfield, 67156 Wichita Collegiate School9115 E 13th St N Wichita, 67206 Wichita County Schools USD 467106 S. Indian Road Leoti, 67861 Wichita Friends School14700 W. Kellogg Wichita, 67235 Wichita Montessori School8311 E Douglass Ave. Wichita, 67207 Wichita Public Schools USD 259903 S Edgemoor Wichita, 67218 Wichita State University1845 Fairmount St Wichita, 67260 Winfield USD 4651407 Wheat Rd. Winfield, 67156 Woodson USD 366101 W. Butler, P.O. Box 160 Yates Center, 66783 WSU Tech4004 N Webb Rd Wichita, 67226 Wyandotte County Infant-Toddler Service4911 State Avenue Kansas City, 66102 Xavier Catholic School - Leavenworth541 Muncie Rd. Leavenworth, 66048 Zion Lutheran School301 S 11th St. Independence , 67301 |