West Elk USD 282

1201 S. Highway 99, P.O. Box 607
Howard, KS 67349


West Elk USD 282 is located in Howard, Kansas, serving approximately 400 students in preschool through graduation. West Elk Schools operate on a four-day school week (155 student days/164 teacher contracted days), with Monday being the non-school day. West Elk USD 282 is classified as a 2A district and offers most traditional JH/HS athletics and extra-curricular activities for students. The district offers summer programming for K-8 students. West Elk has been recognized for high academic rigor and success, with the success of over 86% of our students meeting or exceeding Math ...

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District Jobs

Social Worker/Elementary Counselor and Mental Health Liaison combined position (4-day week) | Posted on October-22-2024 | Expires on September-31-2025