Lakin USD 215
1003 West Kingman
Lakin, KS 67860

Lakin USD #215 is located in Kearny County in Southwest Kansas.  The district has approximately 675 students in grades PK-12. Lakin Elementary serves grades PK-4.  Lakin Middle School houses grades 5-8. Lakin High School serves grades 9-12. LHS is currently in the 3A classification with KSHSAA for most activities and 2A in football.

USD #215 is blessed with some of the nicest facilities in the area and state.  Lakin also has a 1:1 MacBook initiative for grades 9-12 and 1:1 iPad initiative for grades K-8.  In addition, all teachers are provided a laptop and iPad.

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District Jobs

English Language Arts Teacher grades 9-12 | Posted on February-11-2025 | Expires on July-30-2025
First Grade Teacher | Posted on February-11-2025 | Expires on July-15-2025