Norton USD 211
105 E. Waverly
Norton, KS 67654

USD 211 is located in Norton, Kansas which has approximately 3000 residents  located in North West Kansas. We are at the intersection of two major US Highways, 283 and 36. Norton in the County seat of Norton County, and as such, Norton is a regional trade center with a wide array of available services.

Norton boasts a full range of medical services. A newly remodeled hospital  and newly constructed Doctor`s Clinic has four primary care physicians and three second level practitioners on staff. Numerous specialists from Hays, KS and Kearney, ...

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District Jobs

K-6 Elementary | Posted on December-5-2024 | Expires on May-1-2025
Family and Consumer Science | Posted on January-13-2025 | Expires on March-1-2025