7-12 ELA Teacher - 4 Day School WeekBurrton USD 369 • burrton.usd369.org We're on the lookout for a dedicated and seasoned educator specializing in English Language Arts for grades 7 through 12 to become part of our team. Our district, a cozy 1a community, offers the opportunity to foster individual relationships with students. Given the modest enrollment, we combine 7th and 8th grade classes. Rest assured, we have an excellent team ready to provide you with ample support! Essential Functions: 1. Effectively implement the adopted curriculum. 2. Facilitate the personal, social, and intellectual development of students. 3. Establish a positive learning environment and respond to the individual educational needs of students. 4. Ensure all activities conform to District guidelines. 5. Communicate and work effectively and cooperatively with members of the school district and community. 6. React to change productively and handle other tasks as assigned. 7. Monitor student achievement and teacher (self) effectiveness, and make changes in instructional techniques to improve student achievement. 8. Uses a variety of researchbased instructional practices and current resources that support instructional goals and student needs. 9. Uses a variety of data in making instructional decisions. BOE Approved 8/13/12 Page 2 of 3 10. Develops, models, and practices procedures and routines. 10. Work to implement the vision and mission of the District and building. 11. Work with a variety of technology/computer systems. 12. Model commitment and dedication to work. 13. Work independently and without supervision, and complete work in an efficient manner. 14. Uses voice and grammar correctly and effectively. 15. Is a constructive, contributing member of the staff. 16. As needed, plans and coordinates work of aides, assistants, parents and volunteers in the classroom and on field trips.
Salary Information Based on negotiated agreement
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105 E. Lincoln
Burrton, KS 67020 Job Start Date August-1-2024 Applications Due By July-30-2024 Job Contact Information |